Professional Beam/Spot/Wash moving head, 200 watt Led source 7500K, zoom 2.5°-36°



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Professional Beam/Spot/Wash moving head, 200 watt Led source 7500K, zoom 2.5°-36°, antireflaction 136mm fron lens, 11 colors , 16 static gobos, 6 rotating indexable gobos, frost filter, motorized focus, 3 facet prism , powercon in/out,.

Light source

1x 200W

color temperature

7500 Kelvin

Motorized zoom

with 2,5 to 36 degrees

DMX Control

with 14, 16 or 18 channels.

Power supply

AC 90 – 260 Volt, 50/60 Hz.


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