LD Systems MEI 100 G2 BPR B 5

Receiver for LDMEI100G2 In-Ear Monitoring System band 5 584 – 607 MHz

Item No. : LDMEI100G2BPRB5
EAN: 4049521202971

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The new LD Systems MEI 100 G2 B 5 In-Ear Monitoring-System with 96 UHF channels offers outstanding sound quality and a large dynamic range in the 584 – 607 MHz band.

The system toggles between mono and stereo mode for perfect monitoring for live musicians, actors or speakers. A built-in limiter ensures even, distortion-free sound reproduction with a frequency response of 80Hz – 15 kHz and stands out because of its high signal-to-noise ratio and low total harmonic distortion. The LD MEI 100 G2 permits simultaneous operation of up to 5 systems.

Both transmitter and receiver feature multifunctional displays that show all important system information. With high quality batteries, it is possible to attain running times of 10 hours and more.

Product type

In-ear Monitoring Accessories



Transmission frequency range

584 – 607 MHz


96 (8 groups of 12 channels)

Transmission method

FM, stereo

Frequency response

80 – 15000 Hz

Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)

0.25 %


65 mm


95 mm


25 mm


0,1 kg


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