
The SHP510 sound projectors are as good indoors as outdoors.

Code H9758


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The SHP510 sound projectors are as good indoors as outdoors. They feature an integral aluminium housing and can be installed and operated even in poor weather. Their large housing make them perfect for vast open spaces.

Pendant speaker equipped with a 13 cm loudspeaker.
The cable features a sling to safely hang the speaker.
Ideal for locations with no accessible ceiling such as large supermarkets.

IP55 pendant speaker 5″ 70/100V alum 2.5/10W

• Perfect for high ceilings
• Hidden safety sling
• Easy to install
• IP55 (dust and water-resistant)

Power output

2.5W, 5W or 10W

Frequency response

150Hz – 15kHz

Sensitivity (1W/1m)


Net weight



138 x 205 mm


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