The EHP880 loudspeakers are Hi-Fi speakers that can be used in low

Code : H9763

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The EHP880 loudspeakers are Hi-Fi speakers that can be used in low impedance as well as on a 100V line. Ideal for music or voice broadcasting, they can be discretely integrated into any interior: shops, conference rooms, places of worship or waiting rooms. Their power selector makes it possible to limit the broadcast volume as needed.

• 40W high-fidelity sound
• Designed for indoor use
• Discrete design, available in black finish
• Built-in wall-mount brackets
• Low-impedance or 100V line use

Power supply

100V or 8 ohms

Frequency response

80Hz – 18kHz

Sensitivity (1W/1m)


Net weight



270 x 187 x 165 mm


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